

Monday, July 7, 2014

Bienvenido, Elder Jaussi!

After two flights, a layover and a delayed departure, Elder Jaussi arrived home safe and sound.  It was a wonderful reunion.

Baby sister is all grown up
 This nephew has grown from a baby into a little man
 The long-awaited "anaconda squeeze"
 Hugging Dad
 The whole family together once again!
Meeting a nephew who was born while he was away.  There was also a new niece to meet.

 Removing his missionary photo from the stake missionary board after being released
 It has been a wonderful two years filled with many priceless experiences.  Well done, Elder!  It is so great to have you home again.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

2 Timothy 4:7

2 Timothy 4:7  “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course.  I have kept the faith.”

Hola todos!!! 
Well. What more can I say. It's over folks. I can hardly believe it. This week was certainly surreal because we had the temple on Thursday and then I got surprised on Saturday because President gave me permission to travel to Merida again to baptize C., the son of E.! Their dad finally said yes. It was superb and Elder C. baptized her other son. It was a great day for sure.  I'm sending one or two fotos of that because of time but don't worry, I'll show more soon.  Maybe Thursday for some odd reason... Oh wait, because I'll see you!
The temple was awesome and I honestly think that it's better in Spanish.. .maybe it's just for now but I think I want to do it in Spanish from now on.  Ready Momma? McKay???? The Merida temple sure is pretty.  Really, really tiny but I like that.  I tried to think of some things I needed to know before I went home and I'll tell you a little bit about that after.
This Sunday was district conference and I was asked to play an arrangement on the piano. I was super scared but after a two minute practice and a little prayer (good recipe, les digo) it turned out all right.  I probably wouldn't have paid much to hear me play but hey, it was a blessing all the same!! They realigned the new presidency in the district.  Pobre Presidente Garcia.  He has such a tough calling. That is why I have decided I am going to be the best primary teacher ever.  Nothing more, nothing less.  My classes for those niñitos are going to be the BEYST!!!!  
 I know that this church is the true church now.  For myself. Not just because my parents are members, but God has shown me little by little throughout all the trials I may have had. I testify as a representative of Jesus Christ that He directs this church through divine revelation. How great is that!!? Ay ay ay. VERDADERO!  I would love to write you more but... what more can I say other than... THURSDAY IS GOING TO BE THE BEEEEEEEYST! I'll see you guys soon. Get ready to get anaconda squeezed by an Esquelito that has been training for two years!

Con amor, 
Elder Taylor Christian Jaussi
Sea feliz, sea Mormon

"y nuestras vidas tambien han pasado como si fuera un sueño." Jacob 7:26.  Hard to believe that two years ago I was being dropped off in good ol’ Provo.  So fast!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Dying Like a Shark!

Hola todos!! 

This week was just superb!! Everything went well with L. and she was able to be baptized on Saturday. She really was "escogido" and not much had to be done on our part. Alma 26:11-12 comes to mind. I was reading it earlier today and it kinda was a tear jerker. 
The baptismal service was really nice and L.´s daughter came to see as well. She has already gone to church 4 times and only needs one more so that she can be baptized as well.  They are both really great and I hope that soon L.'s husband can find a better job so that he can come as well. He is a really great guy but he is just so focused and worried about having enough money.  Elder M. sang "Where Can I Turn For Peace?" and I played for him and that really brought the Spirit. He has a really good voice.  
All in all I feel really blessed to have been able to find L. She is such a funny lady. She invited us and the other elders in Calkiní to eat yesterday with her and.... no me diga!!!! I have never felt so stuffed. Ay ay ay... She seemed so happy and she said that she felt really great when she received the Holy Ghost.  
Honestly I don't know what to say anymore... I feel... I don't have a clue how to describe it. It's starting to happen that I lie in my hammock at night and think... I get to see those strangers that write to me every week.... NEXT.... THURSDAY????? It still seems too surreal honestly. Just keep praying for me so that I can find effective and worthwhile things to do when times get tough.  I'll do my part and I'll leave the rest up to God. He's been so good to me. I don't want to use any empty phrases that missionaries always use but I just don't know what else to say. Last night I just kept thinking about all the blessings that I have received the last two years. "when upon life's billows you are tempest toooooossed!!" Life is good my friends. 
Take it easy and know that I love you lots!!! 
Con amor,  
Elder Taylor Christian Jaussi 

Sea feliz sea Mormón

Last week with his "clase de jovenes" that he teaches each week in Calkini.  Next Sunday is District conference.
 "Here kitty, kitty"
 L.'s baptism
 L.,'s baptism.  Elder S. was able to perform the baptism.
 Elder Jaussi and A.
 "Playing with my little buddy, A."

9 June 2014

Hola todos!! 

¿Cómo les va? Espero que todo esté muy bien. This week rained like crazy and you best be believing I'm all right with that. It's tough because we don't have members to visit or less actives and we just get soaked all day but I'd get soaked by rain one hundred times before I would get soaked by my sweat.  I find myself lately doing all I can to keep my shoes together so that rain doesn't get in by using super glue and the likes but it's not holding up too well.  Likewise, I find myself doing all I can to keep myself from dying like a normal chap and to "die like a shark" instead. As of right now I just try to talk to as many as people as possible even though we don't have many appointments that are "fijas." Pray for me.
Other than the rain we had a pretty good week because we were able to talk pretty directly to a couple investigators and make sure they knew the point of our visits.  J. J., a guy that says he wants double nationality with the Mormons and Catholics told us that he feels like little by little God is answering his prayers and that he feels like a baptism in this church is what he needs. Also, L., a lady we have been teaching for a while is set to be baptized this Saturday! She has been to church 5 times and this week we just need to review a couple things to make sure that she knows the covenant she will be making. As of right now, she seems pretty prepared. Her daughter has been coming with her the last three weeks and she should be baptized on the 28th of this month! 
Every Sunday night we have been visiting the family D. and they are really great. The guy that is standing far left is L. and he is an ex- missionary.  He helps us out once a week and he is a hoot. I like the days that he comes with us. He loves soccer and is stoked for the world cup. 
Last p-day I mentioned that we were going to play soccer with a few people here in Dzitbalché and we sure did! It was really fun and the little kids that live nearby all came out to play as well.
I'm trying to focus on the task at hand and keep thinking about the people and their needs.  I just need to pray more because I tend to "confiar en mi propia experiencia" and not enough in God.  I have been trying to be better with that lately and it's really good stuff. Things tend to work out a ton better when He is driving.  He sure has been good to me. 

Soccer with the ninos last week

 Elders Jaussi and S. with the familia D.
The yard out back before working to clean it up....
 and after
 The last zone meeting

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

"Church Attendance: A Blessing Indeed" June 2, 2014

Hola todos!! 
¿Cómo estamos? Everything is going just dandy here and we were even able to have 4 investigadores in church yesterday!! It was good for the sacrament because the spirit was really strong.  God is merciful and the investigators liked the meeting. 
One of the investigators that we have found lately is named P. B. and he is a hoot. I love that guy. He is from Chetumal but lived in Belize for some time and picked up some English. I'll have to explain the story of how we found him, relation he has to members in Mérida and all that good stuff later but for now, I'll give you this much. 
He loves baseball and every time we pass by his house he invites us to come inside and watch with him. Such a tempter, that P., but we resist for sure! Ha,ha He can be hard to teach at times because he likes to talk about random things and likes asking us for English advice but he is a good guy. He loves alcohol (we're working on that) and his wife says that when she sees changes in him she is going to accompany us to church as well.  I love visiting him because he is so funny.  He would be a great young men leader. 
Also.... This week it is Sean and Caitlin's birthday soooo.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE BIRDS!!  
We're just living it up as usual here in Dzitbalché.  Tonight we're going to play soccer with some kids here, and L., the member, so it should be fun. The district meetings got changed to the morning so we have all night to clean and to play for a bit if we have time. 
I really like 2 Nefi 28 where it talks about line upon line and that that is the way that God educates us and helps us along. With my personality, I don't like waiting for things or "walking by faith" as Peter says but that way is wisdom for sure.  God really has blessed me by giving me just enough and then when I do my part, He fills in the rest.  I love Jesus a lot. I don't know how else to put it.  Life is good.

Me with my "grandparents" in Hecelchakan doing divisions.  This man, B.,  is 92 and he speaks English.
 "Let's follow this train track to the frontera mis amigos!"
 World Cup sticker book.  Sweet!

May 28, 2014

Hola todos!!!! 

¿Cómo les va? Espero que les esté yendo muy bien como siempre. This week went pretty well and we were able to have two investigators come to church yesterday.  L. has already been twice but it was her daughter, M. S.´s, first time. L. is really funny and she always teaches us some Mayan when we go to her house and teach her. She laughs sometimes at the things we try to say to her in Mayan. Her daughter doesn't really believe that much in God but we were able to have a really good lesson with her and she seemed to be a bit more open to things about God.  L. is doing pretty well in her study of the Book of Mormon and now we're trying to see what we can do with her daughter. I am convinced now more than ever that the best investigators are the ones that really read.  It sounds pretty obvious but with so many things we have to verify and teach to investigators, we tend to forget that really important part. 
A problem that we've been seeing here in Dzitbalché is that we find a lot of investigators but once they hear about Joseph Smith they close off really fast.  We always place second visits but it always seems to be that they tell us the times that they WON'T be in their house. I was looking at the area book the other day and all in all we only have 4 investigators that have listened to us more than twice. There is a lot of anti-Mormon stuff here in Dzitbalché and Calkiní and I don't know if that is the reason that we're having these troubles.  All in all, the people are really nice here but it seems like it's hard for them to tell people straight up "no." They're just too nice. 
It's pretty rough because we walk around all day trying to contact, something that really isn't that effective.  Just gotta keep working, right? This week we're going to try and focus a lot on the investigators that have been listening to us and have been following through on commitments and we'll see what we can do as far as helping them get closer to baptism.
I don't think I have ever told you guys but ever since I got here to this area I have been given the assignment of teaching the youth class. Apparently the teacher that teaches the class has another calling so he asks me to teach it for him. It is really hard to do by the "seat of your pants" with the new program. 
 I've been teaching the youth the past couple weeks and I like teaching them. There are some really good youth here.  I try to do all possible to help the kids read and pray every day and finally this Sunday decided to make a prayer and reading rock for them all. Pretty neat right? Not too original, but you do what you gotta do. 
Well my friends, I'm not sure what more I can say other than keep praying for me. I'll just keep giving it my all and leave the rest to the Lord.  He knows best after all! 

Con amor, 
Elder Jaussi
The picture is of us "tortilleando" with R., a recent convert in Calkiní. It's pretty fun.
 The "Reading Rock"
 The "Prayer Rock"

May 19, 2014

Hola todos!!

We had zone conference this morning in Campeche so we had to wake up at 4 to get there on time.  Ask me if I'm tired... Nah, better yet don't worry about asking.  I am.  But it's all good, it was great to see everyone.  
 Last night we put a baptismal date with the daughter of one of our investigators, Lidia (she is the one that has been inviting friends to church) and the date was... when I'll be home. With 5 times in church as the requirement for baptism, we're already putting baptismal dates for the last Saturday in June. Ouch. 
[In the zone conference] Elder De Hoyos talked about a lot of cool things but mostly focused on the importance of using the Book of Mormon in all that we do.  He told of a village in Chiapas, Mexico that speaks a dialect, similar to Mayan, where he went and visited.  He said that when the people there heard what the book talked about, they grabbed it and hugged it close to them, even though they didn't read a word of Spanish.  They felt the power in the book.  President Garcia always talks about how he feels like the people here are extremely spiritually sensitive and we have to take advantage of that. 
During the break I worked up the courage to go and ask Elder De Hoyos how we could help the people understand the importance of the Book of Mormon. I explained that because most of the people have Spanish as a second language, it seemed to me that they changed personalities when they talked in Spanish. He told me that I should take a member that knows Mayan to translate for us and when I told him that we only have one family that is member and they don't speak Mayan he thought for a second and said, "Just find a friend there who speaks Mayan!  He can translate and then learn at the same time as well."  We've found our translator for now but now we have to see who we can try to teach first.
This last week we went crazy with the Book of Mormon and I told everyone that there is a book that contains the communication of God with their ancestors and we have that book, Jesus visited their grandparents a little over 2000 years ago, etc. to try and get things moving here.  So far we haven't seen any difference at all but after only a few days that is to be expected.  We're going to keep on keeping on with the great book.  My testimony of it sure has grown over these last two years and I could honestly defend my life with it. We had a few [women of another faith] come to our door on Saturday (you should have seen their faces when they saw us come out of the house) and one of the ladies tried "planching" me about the Book of Mormon, saying that she used to be member but came to find out about the "lie that is the Book of Mormon."  I tried to be sweet and loving but I gave it to her and bore my testimony to her.  I asked them a question and they stayed silent with nothing to say. We thanked them for the visit but told them that we would always be there to give them a message of the true restored gospel of Jesus Christ. 
I'm not sure what more do tell you, but this much I can say:  This church is true. God blesses me so much and I am very aware that He loves me personally.  I know that Christ lives and that because of Him, we will too!  The Book of Mormon testifies of all that.  Keep on keepin’ on my friends. Todo lo puedo en Cristo, que me fortalece. (“I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me.”)

Con amor, 
Elder Taylor Christian Jaussi

A beautiful morning today in Campeche
 We had the meeting with Elder De Hoyos and I got to see Elders R. and H. again from the best district ever in good ol' Escarcega.
 This package that was sent for Valentine's Day in January finally arrived in May.