

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

11 Noviembre 2013

Elder Jaussi reports that this past week was a bit rough due to the fact this his companion, Elder C. was really sick and had doctor's orders to stay at home.  They were in for two days but then tried to hit the ground running once he started to feel better. 

He said that he has tried to be as prayerful as he can lately and that he had a good fast on Sunday.  At times he feels like Nephi in Helaman because it makes him sad to see how hard-hearted some people can be.  There are a lot of days when it seems like there isn't anyone in their area that would be willing to listen to them.  Even with all that, they are "chugging along and doing all that they can."  The previous day they had found two people who accepted baptismal dates and they will continue to work with them.

A bright spot for them has been the purchase of an American football that they can take to a nearby soccer field to toss around in order to shake up their exercise routine.  They have high hopes of gaining permission and putting together a "turkey bowl" for their zone in honor of the American Thanksgiving holiday.

They held a recent zone meeting and this is a photo that was sent of a "zone flag" they had made.  He said a "coa" is a small cutting stick that they use there to chop weeds.  They had substituted it for "sickle" as it is used in the scriptures.


Monday, November 4, 2013

It's the Moooooost Wonderful Tiiiiime of the Year!

Hola todos! 

Yay, Halloween is over!! You know what that means?? Christmas music! Nah, just kiddin’ but it is kind of funny seeing all of the stores change their decorations as soon as they can. I can only imagine what you're thinking Mom, or Christa. I remember how you thought it was blasphemia if you even thought of Christmas before Thanksgiving. It's just that it's soooo great!!!
This week we were able to have the baptism of A. and it was really great. She talked a little bit after she was baptized and she talked about how it was indescribable how clean she felt. She is a really great lady and I'm excited to see what we can do for her husband now. Grandma Jaussi, you will be excited and happy to know that we talked to her about her Family History yesterday and we have already got her started on that. Now she is going to enter into the class so that she can find family names for when the ward goes to the temple at the beginning of December. Unfortunately we can't go to that but maybe President Garcia will change that rule seeing as his brother is the new temple president here. He and his wife just arrived on Monday night. 

Elder Johnson came this week and he said some really awesome things. We had a zone meeting with him on Friday and then on Saturday he had a meeting with all of the zone leaders and sister trainers which was really sweet!. Elder Johnson started out studying 1 Nefi 8 with us and told us that the dream that Lehi had was "transcendental, y fundamental." He says that it clearly describes for us what we all need to do to find ourselves clean at the last day. I thought that I had studied all you could from that chapter but he sure proved me wrong.  
Elder Johnson then went on for a very long time describing the importance of diligent and consistent study of the scriptures. He told of countless missionaries who go inactive because they stop doing the things that they said "they HAD to do in their mission." He mentioned that the biggest thing was their scripture study. He made sure that we understood that any ex-missionary that comes home and stops reading his scriptures EVERY DAY will have problems, and even included bishops, stake presidents, and mission presidents.
Well, el fin se acerca y hay poco tiempo mis amigos! (The end is drawing near and there is little time, my friends.) Sorry that I just gave you only things that Elder Johnson told us. Just know that I hope you're all reading your copies of the Book of Mormon and that you're really meditating and "deleitando" (delighting) on the things that are written there.  If you're not, please do!!  I speak to you as Lehi spoke to Laman and Lemuel at the end of chapter 8, "with all the feeling of a tender parent." READ PLEASE MY DEARS!!!
I am pretty much done in the offices but every once and awhile I go in to help Elder H. Don't worry, I am going to try and get a picture with all of my friends in Immigration.  We're working with two really cool families right now. 
Con amor, 
Elder Taylor Christian Jaussi
Sea feliz, sea Mormón!
Elder Jaussi saw his former companion, Elder C.  They served together in Escarsega.
 Elder Jaussi sports  Minnie Mouse ears, the Halloween costume of little J.
 Elder Jaussi put on his angry eyes when his companion handed him a "Raider's" mug and snapped a picture.  The Raiders are the arch rivals of his Denver Broncos.  :)