Elder Jaussi and the other missionaries in his mission received a notice from his mission president about the coming changes to the Merida mission. It will be divided and a new mission, Cancun, will be created. Pres. Dale B. Kirkham Jr. will preside over the Cancun mission and Pres. Sergio A. Garcia will preside over the Merida mission. The mission headquarters will be in Merida and Cancun and the change will take place in July.
President Salinas expressed their excitement at the growth of the church there in Mexico and told the missionaries to pray for the incoming Presidents, as they are doing. He encouraged his missionaries to not become distracted by the upcoming changes, but to continue to pursue their current goals and work. The decision about which missionaries will serve in each mission has not yet been determined. Pres. Salinas encouraged the missionaries to not concern themseves about it, that everything would be handled with order and inspiration.
We will see which mission Elder Jaussi will belong to in the coming months.

Monday, February 25, 2013
Changes Are Like My Abs: Really Hard
This is Elder Jaussi's first e-mail from Escarcega, his new area:
Oh fam,
Oh fam,
I really miss Valladolid. At first
all the new things were really exciting. The new house, (which is awesome and
really big) new members, new investigators; but then I started realizing how
much I missed all those things in Valladolid. Most of all, I miss being
familiar with every street and knowing everything like the back of my hand. We
are SO lost here. It makes for quite the adventure when we're looking for
people's houses.
Also, yesterday I played piano in
the Morelos branch (the other branch has a returned missionary who knows how to
play piano) and I had the hardest time playing.... Here in Mexico, every hymn
is changed as far as rhythm, notes, and when to end and start.
Let's just say I might be hiding my light under a bushel these next few
transfers here because it really is so hard to play. Don't worry though,
the lessons will come in handy because the Branch President of Morelos wants me
to teach lessons to bring in investigators. We'll see how that goes here in
The heat has also turned up for
sure. The humidity is absolutely nuts right now. I thought it was bad in
September, but I've heard that isn't anything compared to what is coming in
March and April. I have never sweated so much in my whole life, even before we
leave the house to go work. Luckily, I read a very helpful article in the
Liahona that was in our house given by David A Bednar. In it he talked about
how we as members usually associate the Atonement with pure repentance. While
that is the major point of the atonement, he says that the Atonement also
serves to help us sobrellevar (how do you say that in English?.... sorry! --endure) our afflictions. He gives the
examples of Alma when he and his people have to do really hard things at the
hand of... Amulon I believe, and also when Nefi prays to have the strength to
get out of the chords. Elder Bednar says that it is interesting that in these
two instances, the people didn't pray to change the situation, they prayed
rather for strength to deal with and overcome the obstacles. So, this week I am
going to start praying for the strength to walk all day, and teach all the
people in "dee whole world" (Nacho) instead of asking for a cool in
temperature. Sounds simple, but the article really made a big impact on me.
All in all, things are going really
well and when the stress came this Wednesday I just took a step back and analyzed
the situation. I'm just going to give it my all, no matter what happens. President actually
wrote to me today and said "I hope you are learning to manage the stress
of missionary work. It won't ever get
easier on the mission but it just teaches you to rely on Christ and God."
It sure is the truth! I guess that's the message for today folks, just to use
the Atonement for not just repentance (although that is the most important) but
to also get through hard times. The atonement isn't just to make bad men good,
but to make good men better! Yay!
Well homeboys and homegirls, have a
great week and keep on keepin’ on! I luff ya so much!
Elder Taylor Christian Jaussi
Sea feliz, sea Mormón
Elders Jaussi and G. with Hno. S, Hna. L, L. before he left Valladolid
Elder Jaussi with little buddy, B., before leaving Valladolid
We're not sure who the bicycle belongs to. They travel only on foot, by bus or taxi.
On the streets of his new town, Escarcega.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Chispas! Ya Me Voy de Valladolid
Elder Jaussi has been transferred from Valladolid and is now assigned to work in Escarcega in the state of Campeche. His new companion is Elder R., from Idaho. He is actually from Taylor's "generation" and they were in the MTC at the same time, though they didn't meet until they were on their way to the airport going to Mexico. They wrote from Campeche, enroute to their new area.
Taylor said, "My new area is a little pueblo named Escarcega. Right now we're waiting for a bus which leaves in about 3 hours so we decided to write the fam. We're closer to missionaries in the other mission, Tabasco, than we are to the other missionaries in our district. Something else to shock you, I'm district leader now. From what I understand we have two wards there and we spend about 5 hours at the church every Sunday. Our area is HUGE and we walk and walk and walk and walk like pioneer children. It might be tough to keep up with Elder R. because he is 6 foot 5! Whoo doggy!"
Elder Jaussi said that it was hard to leave Valladolid. He was able to leave a note for his companion, Elder G. They thought they would have another transfer together. Taylor said that Elder G. was really a good companion and always "rarin' to go." The ward mission leader and his wife came by to say good-by and to write in his book. He is going to miss the members and recent converts very much. He said that the things that they all wrote in his book meant a lot to him.
Taylor went on to say, "Speaking of notes and such, I haven't received any mail for about a month... I'm thinking it just means I'll have an explosion here soon or at least that's what I'm hoping for. Haha I know for sure that I'll be getting Mother's weekly letter so I at least have that to look forward to. :) "
"Elder V. (his first companion) called me this morning and guess what?? He's in my zone so I'll be able to see him one more time before he goes home! It was really good to talk to him and I went kinda crazy because I was so excited. At first I didn't believe it was him but then he used our wonderful phrase 'Somos amigos!' And I knew it was him. Good stuff!"
"I am really sad to leave Valladolid because of the members and converts but at the same time excited for a new task at hand. I love you guys all so very much and I hope all is just dandy back in the USA.... I'll be sure to take in the ocean for you all, the view at least, when I drive right by it in the next few hours! How crazeee is that? So anyways... (Nacho Accent) Take care and everybody love everybody!
Taylor said, "My new area is a little pueblo named Escarcega. Right now we're waiting for a bus which leaves in about 3 hours so we decided to write the fam. We're closer to missionaries in the other mission, Tabasco, than we are to the other missionaries in our district. Something else to shock you, I'm district leader now. From what I understand we have two wards there and we spend about 5 hours at the church every Sunday. Our area is HUGE and we walk and walk and walk and walk like pioneer children. It might be tough to keep up with Elder R. because he is 6 foot 5! Whoo doggy!"
Elder Jaussi said that it was hard to leave Valladolid. He was able to leave a note for his companion, Elder G. They thought they would have another transfer together. Taylor said that Elder G. was really a good companion and always "rarin' to go." The ward mission leader and his wife came by to say good-by and to write in his book. He is going to miss the members and recent converts very much. He said that the things that they all wrote in his book meant a lot to him.
Taylor went on to say, "Speaking of notes and such, I haven't received any mail for about a month... I'm thinking it just means I'll have an explosion here soon or at least that's what I'm hoping for. Haha I know for sure that I'll be getting Mother's weekly letter so I at least have that to look forward to. :) "
"Elder V. (his first companion) called me this morning and guess what?? He's in my zone so I'll be able to see him one more time before he goes home! It was really good to talk to him and I went kinda crazy because I was so excited. At first I didn't believe it was him but then he used our wonderful phrase 'Somos amigos!' And I knew it was him. Good stuff!"
"I am really sad to leave Valladolid because of the members and converts but at the same time excited for a new task at hand. I love you guys all so very much and I hope all is just dandy back in the USA.... I'll be sure to take in the ocean for you all, the view at least, when I drive right by it in the next few hours! How crazeee is that? So anyways... (Nacho Accent) Take care and everybody love everybody!
Con amor,
Elder Taylor Christian Jaussi
Sea feliz, sea Mormón
This map shows the location of Escarcega in the state of Campeche.
These are some internet photos of the area.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Another Week, Another Peso
Hola todos!
This week has been pretty good, but
not as far as numbers go. This Thursday we had interviews with President and
that was one of the coolest experiences of my life. I honestly don't remember
all we talked about but I just remember that he said everything that I needed
to hear. I had been praying that he
would know what to tell me and he sure did tell me that, and more. We just talked
about worries we both had, things we want to improve, and good things like
that. At the end of the interview
President said, "Elder Jaussi, thank YOU for this interview. I hope you
know that it was just as much for me as it was for you. You and I are very
similar and I hope you know that. Let's
go to work, what do you say?" At one point, he was crying as he was
telling me of an experience he had a few weeks ago and we just cried together
like old friends. My respect and admiration grows for Presidente every time I
am with him. He is sooo powerful and is so led by the spirit in anything he
says. All in all, it was a great interview and once again the Lord has given me
a tender mercy for the week.
A member in our ward passed away this Thursday and the ward was really torn up by that as can be understood. He was a guy that lived down the street from us and he came to be a really good friend of ours. He had cancer pretty bad so it wasn't too surprising but the thing that was hard on his family was that he was getting better and looked like he would pull through. The family called me Thursday morning to tell us he had passed away and then asked if I would play the piano at his funeral. I prayed so hard to not have any mistakes so that the music I played would just comfort the family. Once again, the Lord blessed me an awful lot because I played the songs perfectly; some I had never even played before. Hermano G. was a really good man and his family shared really strong testimony. It is a great opportunity for the family to share the gospel with their extended family members who aren't members. You could tell who was and wasn't a member by the way they looked and acted. The Plan of Salvation sure does give us hope that "the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ."
I'll tell you what WAS important
though!! Mom's birthday!!!!! I went before our lunch appointment and bought a
cake so we could celebrate your birthday momma. Everyone commented how much I
looked like you when I showed them the picture of you but I assured them that I
wasn't THAT pretty!! ;) They all thought your "23 and a few summers"
fit. Don't worry, I didn't tell them you are actually 30!
After this story you might just
change the subject of this email to "the week of prayers" or
something like that. We had to give a talk yesterday in church but we had almost
no time to prepare talks because we were so busy with funerals and trips to
Tizimin. I feel like I'm going to be transferred next week because I have a lot
of time here in Valladolid so I really wanted to say something that would help
the ward. I decided on Saturday night
that I would talk about Elder Hales "Being a more Christian Christian"
talk and I hoped for the best. Before I
had to give the talk I was praying so hard that the language wouldn't hold me
back from saying what I wanted to say. Let me tell you, I don't know what I'm doing
to deserve this from the Lord but he answered my prayer to the utmost once
again. In one moment, I made a pause and
there was complete silence in the chapel; something that never happens in
Valladolid with the tile floors. I was
talking about Pedro (Peter) when
Jesus asked him if he loved Him and how we all needed to ask ourselves the same
question. Then I said, "si podemos contestar que yes..." (if we can
answer yes) but that was the only Spanish mess-up. Only a tiny bit of
English popped in. Haha but really, I felt like I didn’t even have to think
about what I wanted to say. It was
really a neat experience for me and really goes to show that I need to lean not
upon my own understanding and always be turning to the Lord in fervent prayer. After the meeting, a couple members came up to
me and said how much they enjoyed my talk and really felt like they needed to
improve. Good stuff in the V hood.
Then, to put a cherry on the cake
A. (convert baptized a few months ago) gave a talk yesterday and let me tell you it was SOOO good. She talked
about baptism and shared with everyone her experience and why she got baptized.
It was so powerful and you would have
thought that she had been a member from 8 years old. I felt like a proud parent of my child giving
a good talk. After she was done, I gave
her a big thumbs up and she gave me a huge smile and a wink. (Don't worry, it
was just a "Somos amigos" (we
are friends) wink.) It really does
make it all worth it when you're able to see your converts seguir adelante con
firmeza en Cristo. (continue forward with
steadfastness or firmness in Christ). She
really is so great. And, we're getting close with her Husband! I'm hoping he can be baptized this week before
transfer because who knows what will happen this next Sunday. I really want to stay in Valladolid but at
this point I'm really just going to be fine with the Lord's will seeing as He
has blessed me so much these last few weeks and months really.
I love you guys so much and
hope all is well! Keep the faith and
just know you're always in my prayers. Luff ya!!Con amor,
Sea feliz, sea mormónTuesday, February 5, 2013
Otro Epistle
Here are a few excerpts from Elder Jaussi's e-mail this week. He says that they have struggled to find new investigators to teach but that they are working hard and will continue to do so.
Hola todos!
This week has definitely been a rough one. My
stomach has had a rough couple days and I definitely have a story for you guys
when I get home. I won't waste my time and email it to you.
This Tuesday it was Elder G's
birthday and I decided I best be doing something superb for him seeing as I'm his
poppy! He absolutely loves Cruz Azul,
the soccer team in Mexico (McKay, you should cheer for them. I am a converted Cruz Azul fan.) So one night when Elder A. and I had to drop off
a couple documents to the Zone leaders in the bus station, we snuck off and I
bought him a Cruz Azul pillow and a wallet to go along with it. The morning of his
birthday, I woke up ten minutes early and wrote a little birthday note and hid
his regalitos (little gifts) in his
closet and "went back to bed." When he woke up I wished him a very
happy birthday and then we went about preparing things for the day. Then, when
I came out of the bathroom he was waiting there with the gifts in his hands
with the greatest look on his face. He said "muchas gracias, Elder!!!
" and then gave me a big hug. What a guy, what a guy Elder G! I don't
know how much it helped make his birthday a good one, but hopefully it did a
little bit.
Well fam... I really am scratching
for more things to say. Like I said, this week was quite the dry one. We were
able to play basketball this morning with a couple guys in the ward but I'm
hoping to teach more lessons and find more people soon. That would be super! We'll
find them soon though, I just have to keep putting my hombro a la lid, con
fervor. (shoulder to the wheel, push along) Keep the prayers coming like I know
you are all doing. I sure do need them. Just
know that I love you guys more than Yucatecans love frijol con puerco!! (beans and pork?) And that is an awful
lot, my friends!!!
Love ya!!
Elder Jaussi
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