

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

May 28, 2014

Hola todos!!!! 

¿Cómo les va? Espero que les esté yendo muy bien como siempre. This week went pretty well and we were able to have two investigators come to church yesterday.  L. has already been twice but it was her daughter, M. S.´s, first time. L. is really funny and she always teaches us some Mayan when we go to her house and teach her. She laughs sometimes at the things we try to say to her in Mayan. Her daughter doesn't really believe that much in God but we were able to have a really good lesson with her and she seemed to be a bit more open to things about God.  L. is doing pretty well in her study of the Book of Mormon and now we're trying to see what we can do with her daughter. I am convinced now more than ever that the best investigators are the ones that really read.  It sounds pretty obvious but with so many things we have to verify and teach to investigators, we tend to forget that really important part. 
A problem that we've been seeing here in Dzitbalché is that we find a lot of investigators but once they hear about Joseph Smith they close off really fast.  We always place second visits but it always seems to be that they tell us the times that they WON'T be in their house. I was looking at the area book the other day and all in all we only have 4 investigators that have listened to us more than twice. There is a lot of anti-Mormon stuff here in Dzitbalché and Calkiní and I don't know if that is the reason that we're having these troubles.  All in all, the people are really nice here but it seems like it's hard for them to tell people straight up "no." They're just too nice. 
It's pretty rough because we walk around all day trying to contact, something that really isn't that effective.  Just gotta keep working, right? This week we're going to try and focus a lot on the investigators that have been listening to us and have been following through on commitments and we'll see what we can do as far as helping them get closer to baptism.
I don't think I have ever told you guys but ever since I got here to this area I have been given the assignment of teaching the youth class. Apparently the teacher that teaches the class has another calling so he asks me to teach it for him. It is really hard to do by the "seat of your pants" with the new program. 
 I've been teaching the youth the past couple weeks and I like teaching them. There are some really good youth here.  I try to do all possible to help the kids read and pray every day and finally this Sunday decided to make a prayer and reading rock for them all. Pretty neat right? Not too original, but you do what you gotta do. 
Well my friends, I'm not sure what more I can say other than keep praying for me. I'll just keep giving it my all and leave the rest to the Lord.  He knows best after all! 

Con amor, 
Elder Jaussi
The picture is of us "tortilleando" with R., a recent convert in Calkiní. It's pretty fun.
 The "Reading Rock"
 The "Prayer Rock"

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